Friday, January 4, 2013

Sharing Good Advice

I've had many opportunities where money was put into my hands and I didn't know what to do with it; instead of saving that money, I went and spent it on foolish things (I wont get into everything I spent it on, but just know that I didn't make the best decisions).  Now that I am getting my money together, I am learning how to better save my money so that when the next day comes for me to get money, I'll have more!  Sure, it seems simple, but if it was so simple, why was I not told this to begin with?

Some people will tell you something that they would say is good advice, but they won't give you any background information, like a story that will tie an experience with the good advice so that you will be able to fully understand what you're being told!

I am one that likes to get all the information I can before making a decision.  If someone tells me something, what they told me should come up in my mind before I make a decision, especially if that person gave me good advice.  But some people tell you things and hide on the sidelines; but what about the background?

All I want to tell you, is that if you give someone advice, or tell someone something they should know, make sure you are still there for that person when they think about what you told them!


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