Friday, September 22, 2023

All you Gotta Do is Input!

I surveyed ChatGPT TO BEGIN focusing on points of detail (via a long essay prompt for a submission to the National Institute of Health about non clinical psychology, which find health in unhappy coincidences in my correctitude fervor; what I undertook would be known together as ServChat. 

You do remember what chat is, with a digital break, I online online, kept! It’s like our newly known we can’t lose knowing, without our knowing being losses, to the meaning delivery… 

The same way any of us would read, is potentially shareable, even if you would read to know:

Aren’t there ones we don’t know?

And the way I want to say to you [all]:

Aren’t there ones *we* don’t know?

For the sake of time, I’ll get to the point.

I did start to compose my ‘written articles’ similarly to ChatGPT’s motions when I asked for assistance building my paper. It output to me the prompt-specifics-focused, constant-foundational, step-by-step inquiry list as to the formal facts pertinent to complete the application composing; but I haven’t finished the first section. 

I hope I don’t open a can of AIPests…

But for rally, here’s BingCHATGPT (4) in Brooklyn!

Here’s what I received after Micro{soft} approval:






Also, check out I’m Real @ Xavier6! 

Peace made returning!

Monday, August 21, 2023

Digital Psychology Validated, if the Human Mind Weren't Already Enough

 Owning a webpage was really a bigger hassle for me than I could stand to leave without a consolation prize.  ESPN made me look like NOT TOP 10 on dropping my net-cast program, and all the real casting I did couldn't compare to how I have tonight to think about my lack of metaversal real estate worth money:

  • My money was worth several more preconditional mementos than were actually tangible or regarding surface-depth commonalities/rarities.
  • My standing presence provided long-term staying power on internet-related productivity on the gargantuan scale of Web3 Contributing SuperUsers (especially computer users).
  • I had to go through every lack of display for fun interaction, just to recognize what was not going to stand on the front end of minds when thinking about the internet.

The biggest flaw of my Multi-Brand showcasing platform was that the plans for actions recommended did not have flair, or glaring personality for the leading draw.  The unfriendly share space needed cleaning up, and the awareness announcements were too few and far between; hard-toothed celebrity management could not bear to cope with needing the return and the last reports following the results of the event, which were not goal-based; only heated amalgamations of mismatched audiences proud about whoever had the role's leading speaking position, and under the surfaces was too close to troubleshoot without the reliance terms stated.  This all leads me to ask, "What else do [you] (or others) consider to be more important than money and the wearables/destinations/population segments that make me seem like someone undesired, where the leading productions grew for free-will cross-compatibility metrics, or at least quality standards according to specific customized selection criterion, that include the speaker's allowances promised with the thought stimuli you stay for?

To that, all I can give is my record of longevity, before I go baggy just for kicks.

The harder story-dismissing encounters that would promise having arrived without hangups, could not account for misdials and untold multiplicative terminology that may be open for selection.  Also, particular choices leading fatsim don't have the formal jargon respective to the specific situations that set up or may require deep or suspended play with deliberation time, that can mean big turnovers in the company representing them, without respect to their knowable presence, except in turmoil crises.  We could be in for a mandate soon, that is not at any perspective open to misunderstanding, for a more enthusiastic tolerance, with the latest integration of the newest and neutralest web/real life telepathy, that, as of today, is a completely generative existence for appearing without command, and it's c-suite enabled.  That's my set of top thoughts that I hope you will accept for the time I've been missing.   I'm sorry my home internet was so restrictive, but at least it's alive, still.



Saturday, August 5, 2023

 When you complete your (very own) telepathy discovery, remember to transfer your new collection to your knowledge bank, and, since being away from your mind as you knew it for as long as you have, clear out the remnants in your think-tank and resume your life from that very day!x

Friday, June 16, 2023

I'm Surviving Psychotherapy and I Achieved Psychological Peace

 Unless you've been following my blog since the start (circa 2010), you might be hard-pressed to have discovered my psychiatric difficulties.  Sure, some of what I said may not seem real, especially around topics such as "Telepathy," and "Visible Minding" (I just made that one up).  But what you may not know is that I have faced such hard times during my psychotherapeutic history because my first mental evaluation leading to my encounter with psychology in professional terms is still somewhat "pending."

That is to say I have not been given a clear determination of my psychological health from psychiatry practitioners, and especially the professionals in my external treatment team.

That is because when I disclosed to this particular Clinical Psychiatry Professional, that I am making headway on discovering telepathy, he abruptly ended the evaluation and I was forced to live according to telepathy according to the "State of the Profession."  If you're any kind of intellectual, you might presume that it never stops, as long as people are communicating.  That is what I had against me, until I stayed still after distinguishing this professional's telepathy he had going for him as "psychiatric telepathy."

Finally free to experience my psychotherapy without undue professional pressure/interference, I am still months away from making a difference in my treatment plan.  But I will make sure these goals will be made-soundly.

The previous 13.5 years I have been a psychotherapy patient culminate to one major publishment I created, I call Social Clairvoyance, for short.  It is a short paper that theorizes digital proof-of-mind, which leads to the step between reality and permission for telepathy, which leaves open the discovery of thoughts-in-motion.  I hope you get a chance to read it.

The paper is located at: 

I hope you get to read it!

Now I'm off to get ready for my normal professional job, since rapping isn't doing anything but justifying my multimedia design bills.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Unexpected Happiness Results in New Terminology; Exploring the Logic of its Meaning

 When I finally returned from a well-earned wage and a smooth commute from my supportive place of employment tonight, I was able to finally relax in the feeling of boredom being activated where I otherwise would share without choice; instead, my mind freed in making new establishments as to my allocation of my resources to play as good as I work.

I thought of the dating scenario when two people happen to sit in the same place, arriving by themselves, but finding a connection with each other that makes them consider the benefits of continued interacting in the future.

Then I thought of an old contact of mine, who I remember trained to be a pilot, but all I could consider before the impression started to fade was "air speed." But I did not lose sight of respect of "regard for the invisible", which includes air, but somehow includes the particles we don't see. So I happened to stop on a compound noun:

Particle Clarity

Did I say that right? Is there some kind of way to make it be a concept that actually makes sense? Most air particles are not seen by human eyes, or even sensed in smell or by touch. But if you spray Febreze or Poosh!, they cease to exist. And even if those particles were clear enough to appear in some way, what argument could counter the assertion that it was nothing but a hallucination, or an electrical response that is unexplainable?

But I just thought about the inner toxins I may be harboring, like the reasons I have to go to the podiatrist to get this recurring pressure point shaved so I don't have to walk uneven, but I swore up and down I would find clarity. Is that what the particle clarity means for me? But what does that particle's clarity have to do with me, only because it had nonsense trying to force it in another direction?

I'm just stunned as I seek this particle to fall through me, but I hope I can stop being obstructed by unexplainable anomalies because the impasses keep piling up and affecting others.

Happy alertness, stay aware and proactive.

Friday, May 19, 2023

My Technology has Evolved, as Has My Productivity

 I recently had to incur a trial of artificiality that forced me to halt at the thought of Artificial Intelligence, such as Siri, or ChatGPT, in order to complete some odd goal by someone who was in disorder, with me.

Now that I have distinguished between Siri and ChatGPT, such as the disabled chatbot features in the case of Siri, or the lack of personalizations with ChatGPT, I finally developed a form of dialogue that will allow me to learn from A.I. in a self-help capacity, in schools of productivity such as time management.  

I learned about a time management technique known as the Pomodoro Technique, that consists of (typically) 25-minute blocks of engaged work, followed by short, 5-10 minute breaks, and, after four 25-minute blocks, taking a longer break of 15-30 minutes.  

I am interested in time and maximizing my efficiency.  I will develop a good perception of time that I can use after I can re-learn how long it takes to complete certain tasks, especially routine tasks-- so I can identify time constraints and improve my punctuality to not only where I commit to appear, but to myself.

I will start by allowing myself the time I need to consider a thought before I act upon it.

Here's a summarized version of what I learned about the Pomodoro Technique from ChatGPT, and after, the chat log:

Xavier6 and ChatGPT: Discussing the Pomodoro Technique for Increasing Work Productivity

During this session, ChatGPT (normal) and I dialogued about the Pomodoro Technique, known to combine comfort with productivity.  In this dialog, ChatGPT addresses productivity by teaching lessons to the following questions, in essay form:
  1. What is the Pomodoro Technique?
  2. How should I spend my break times?
  3. What about physical work?
ChatGPT was polite and knowledgeable about the topic.

And I give you the chat log:

How much of an hour at a computer should I spend on productivity?

The amount of time you should spend on productivity at a computer depends on various factors, including personal preferences, specific tasks or goals, and individual working style. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are a few considerations to help you find a balance:

  1. Pomodoro Technique: One popular productivity technique is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves breaking your work into focused intervals, typically 25 minutes of work followed by a short 5-minute break. After completing four cycles, take a longer break of around 15-30 minutes. This method helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.

  2. Energy and Focus Levels: Pay attention to your energy and focus levels throughout the day. It's important to be aware of when you feel most alert and productive. Some people find that they have more energy and concentration in the morning, while others are more productive in the afternoon or evening. Plan your work sessions accordingly.

  3. Task Complexity: Consider the complexity of the tasks you're working on. Some tasks may require deep concentration and extended periods of focused work, while others may be more routine or administrative. Allocate your productive computer time based on the nature of the tasks at hand.

  4. Personal Preferences: Everyone has different work preferences and thresholds for sustained productivity. Experiment with different time allocations to find what works best for you. Some people thrive with shorter bursts of intense work, while others prefer longer stretches of uninterrupted focus. Find the balance that suits your working style.

  5. Breaks and Rest: It's crucial to include regular breaks and rest periods in your work routine. Sitting at a computer for prolonged periods can lead to physical and mental fatigue. Taking short breaks every hour or so, where you stretch, move around, and rest your eyes, can help prevent burnout and maintain productivity over the long term.

Remember, productivity is not solely measured by the amount of time spent at a computer but also by the quality and efficiency of your work. Strive for a balance that allows you to accomplish your goals effectively while maintaining your well-being. Adapt and adjust your approach as needed based on your own experience and feedback.

Regarding the Pomodoro method, and I ask you to reiterate: What are good activities I should schedule during the short or longer breaks after a typical 25-minute work sessions?

During the short breaks following a typical 25-minute work session in the Pomodoro Technique, it's best to engage in activities that help you relax and recharge without getting too absorbed or distracted. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Stretching or Physical Movement: Use the short break to stretch your body, do a few quick exercises, or take a short walk. Physical movement helps to relieve any built-up tension, improve blood circulation, and refresh your mind.

  2. Deep Breathing or Meditation: Practice deep breathing exercises or engage in a brief meditation session. This can help you relax, clear your mind, and reduce stress or anxiety.

  3. Hydration and Snacks: Take a moment to hydrate yourself by drinking a glass of water or grabbing a healthy snack. Staying hydrated and nourished can help maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

  4. Eye Rest: Give your eyes a break from the computer screen by focusing on distant objects or closing your eyes for a moment. You can also perform eye exercises, such as looking at different distances or blinking rapidly, to reduce eye strain.

  5. Social Interaction: Use the break to briefly connect with colleagues or friends. Have a quick chat or engage in some light conversation to foster social connections and take a mental break from work.

During the longer breaks that occur after completing four work cycles (typically 15-30 minutes), you have more flexibility to engage in activities that help you relax and recharge. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Physical Activity: Use the longer break to engage in a short workout, go for a walk or run, or do any other physical activity that you enjoy. Physical exercise can boost your energy levels and help you stay focused.

  2. Refreshment or Snack: Prepare and enjoy a nutritious meal or snack during this break. Taking the time to nourish yourself can help replenish your energy and provide a mental break.

  3. Creative Pursuits: If you enjoy creative activities, use the longer break to engage in a hobby, such as drawing, painting, playing a musical instrument, or writing. These activities can stimulate your mind and provide a refreshing change of pace.

  4. Mindfulness or Relaxation Exercises: Dedicate the longer break to a more extended mindfulness or relaxation practice. This could involve guided meditation, breathing exercises, or listening to calming music.

Remember, the activities you choose during the breaks should be enjoyable, refreshing, and help you recharge. Experiment with different options and find what works best for you to make the most of these brief respites from work.

What kind of activities should I plan if I practice the Pomodoro technique for physical work?

If you are practicing the Pomodoro Technique for physical work, where you engage in physical tasks rather than computer-based work, it's important to plan activities during the breaks that allow you to rest, recover, and recharge. Here are some suitable activities to consider:

During Short Breaks:

  1. Stretching and Mobility Exercises: Perform quick stretches and mobility exercises that target the muscles and areas of your body involved in the physical work. This can help prevent muscle stiffness, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of injuries.

  2. Hydration and Snacks: Take a moment to hydrate yourself with water and consume a light, nutritious snack to replenish your energy levels.

  3. Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to relax your body and clear your mind. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

  4. Change of Focus: Engage in a brief mental break by shifting your attention to something unrelated to your physical work. This could involve looking out of a window, observing your surroundings, or even closing your eyes and letting your mind wander for a moment.

  5. Brief Rest: If your physical work is physically demanding, you may need a short period of rest during the break. Find a comfortable spot, sit or lie down, and allow your body to relax and recover for a few minutes.

During Longer Breaks:

  1. Active Recovery: Dedicate the longer break to active recovery exercises that help reduce muscle tension and promote blood circulation. This can include light stretching, foam rolling, or using a massage ball to release any tightness.

  2. Nutrition and Hydration: Take the time to have a well-balanced meal or snack to replenish your energy levels and provide essential nutrients to support your physical exertion.

  3. Mindful Relaxation: Engage in relaxation techniques such as mindfulness exercises, deep breathing, or guided meditation to help calm your mind and rejuvenate your body.

  4. Change of Environment: If possible, step outside and get some fresh air during the longer break. Take a short walk or spend time in nature to clear your mind and revitalize your senses.

  5. Mental Break: Engage in activities that provide a mental break from the physical work. This could involve reading a book, listening to music, or engaging in a hobby or interest that you enjoy.

The key is to choose activities that allow your body to rest and recover during the breaks while also promoting mental relaxation. This will help you maintain your physical performance and overall well-being throughout the day.

Thank you for the lesson, ChatGPT! In your essay on practicing the Pomodoro technique for physical activities, I considered the importance of shifting to other activities to ease the burden on the most tense muscles, briefly.

You're welcome! I'm glad you found the information helpful. Indeed, when engaging in physical activities, it's crucial to recognize the importance of giving your muscles periodic breaks to avoid overexertion and reduce tension. Shifting to other activities during breaks can help alleviate the strain on specific muscle groups, allowing them to recover and preventing the risk of injuries. By incorporating variety and targeted rest, you can maintain a more sustainable and productive approach to physical work. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your activities as needed to support your overall well-being. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!